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Stifel Wealth Tracker

Wealth Tracker screenshot on mobile device

Organize Your Financial Life

  • Pull all of your financial information into one singular, secure view
  • Create a personal balance sheet
  • Take a more in-depth look at your holdings
  • Track your spending and view your net worth
  • Better understand the companies you're invested in by accessing Stifel's nationally recognized research and investment insights
Wealth Tracker screenshot on mobile device

Download Stifel Wealth Tracker

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Stifel Fundamentals Program
Mutual Fund, ETF, and Individual Stock Portfolios

The Stifel Fundamentals Program allows you to turn over the day-to-day portfolio management decisions by giving trading authority to Stifel ("discretionary"). Your Stifel Financial Advisor will work with you to determine the model(s) best suited to your needs and provide ongoing monitoring to help ensure your investment objectives are met.

Within the Stifel Fundamentals Program, Stifel has developed and actively manages several model portfolios, the Stifel Choice Portfolios, for clients who understand the value of professional money management. No matter your age or investment objective, Stifel has a portfolio to suit your individual needs. You can choose a Stifel Choice Portfolio comprised primarily of mutual funds or exchange-traded funds, or a more direct equity ownership approach, which uses individual stocks.

Stifel conducts thorough analyses when deciding what to buy or sell in a Stifel Choice Portfolio and how to allocate across the resulting holdings. No proprietary mutual funds are used in Fundamentals, promoting greater objectivity. Stifel research is the building block on which discretionary accounts are managed.

Please review our Investment Advisory Program Disclosures which contain additional important information and links to documents, such as our Form CRS and Wrap Accounts Disclosure Brochure - Important Disclosures